The concept of a Serial Leveler is to create a Mafia Wars account that can level fairly continuously for hundreds of levels. A Serial Leveler can reach level 100 in hours and level 200 in days. There are two basic types of Serial Levelers. One based on Energy and the other based on Stamina. In both cases, the basic idea is to have a large enough pool of Energy or Stamina to be able to reach the next level without waiting on your regeneration timer.
The All Energy character is the classic type of Serial Leveler. It is still viable but the effectiveness of the strategy was reduced in October 2009 when Zynga lowered the ratios of some of the most efficient jobs.
The focus of this type of character is to put all your available skill points into Energy and concentrate on Jobsthat provide the highest XP / Energy ratio. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you use an informational bookmarklet like ExpEnergy.
The goal is to always be able to reach the next level before running out of Energy. Upon reaching the next level, you get a free Energy refill and can continue to level.
An Energy Pack should never be used to help you level. Instead, use your Energy Pack to help you complete Job Mastery on low xp/energy ratio jobs or to gain consumables that can be used for higher xp/energy ratio jobs like "Run Illegal Poker Game" in the Enforcer tier.
Critical Success Factors
During your earliest levels, you'll primarily be doing the job "Bank Heist" in the Associate tier.
It is absolutely vital you have an 10% Wheelman and 10% Mastermind for the energy reduction and XP increase benefit to Jobs.
Most people believe this strategy is only viable for hundreds of levels if the Fearless character type is chosen and a "friend" promotes you to be theirWheelman. This provides you the benefit of occasionally completing a Job for 0 Energy cost.
Only do as many high xp/energy ratio jobs as you need to ensure that you will reach the next level. Use tools like ExpEnergy to monitor your progress see when it is OK to do the low xp/energy jobs to complete your Job Mastery.
A large Energy pool which can be used to complete more Jobs
Energy Pack refills provide a big bonus that can be used to gain lots of consumables.
Very fast to level and use up even thousands of points of Energy
Little to no points in Attack or Defense makes Fighting more difficult. As a result, you will focus most of your attacks on players with much smaller Mafias.
XP per skill point is less than an All Stamina character.
This All Stamina character utilizes a similar strategy but focuses on winning Fights rather than completing jobs. This strategy became viable when Zynga lowered the cost to purchase Stamina from 2 skill points to 1 skill point.
The focus of this type of character is to put all your available skill points into Stamina and concentrate onFights which provide an xp / stamina ratio of approximately 2.47 xp per fight won.
The goal is to be able to reach the next level without running out of Stamina. Upon leveling, you will get a free Stamina refill and can continuously level.
Critical Success Factors
Find a whipping boy. Since you won't be investing any points into Attack or Defense, it's important to find a player you can beat who has a smaller Mafia and/or lower equipment score that you can beat consistently.
Make sure you get 501 Mafia as early as possible. This will significantly increase the number of "whipping boys" you will be able to attack.
Or alternately, create your own "whipping boy" by making a new Facebook account. Bookmark his profile and away you go.
Download a bookmarklet similar to AttackX which allows you to attack your whipping boy hundreds of times in a row. Most of these will be "ghost" attacks that aren't visible to the whipping boy.
Since you level continuously from Fighting, it's often possible to set AttackX to 5000+ fights and level several times unattended since the bookmarklet will continue to attacking even after level ups.
Save your small pool of Energy to do the largest Job possible before leveling up. Since Fighting typically only gives you 2-3 points on average, a Job that provides a 30+ XP bonus is much more beneficial as your final levelup action.
Each time you fight, there is a small chance to win a piece of Cuba or New York loot (depending on level).
Since you will be attacking hundreds of times per level, the quality of your loot will typically be much better than other people at a similar level.
Fighting is the fastest way to gain 501 of the best equipment from New York and Cuba.
The 2.47 xp return from Fights is much better per skill point than even the best Jobs.
Currently the best xp ratio from jobs (assuming you have the private island and top mafia mastermind & wheelman) is "Settle a Beef... Permanently" in New York, which yields a ratio of 2.114. "Run Illegal Poker Game" provides a slightly higher return of 2.235, but requires prep items, which each give a return of 1.750 (the sum of all three is 33 energy needed for 66 xp or 2 xp/energy).
The Energy requirement on boss fights like Agostino Cleto is very low and can be quickly repeated by regenerating Energy. For players working on the NY money achievements, this greatly increases the speed at which you can gain cash.
The small pool of Energy makes completing Jobs and progressing through the game (particularlyMoscow) much more difficult.
Utilizing hundreds and thousands of Stamina points is very time consuming. So while leveling is continuous, it is not done quickly. For example, running the Attackx bookmarklet at a 0 second delay will yield a 1 hour time of completion to burn 1000 stamina.
Your low amount of Energy will make progressing through Bangkok and Moscow very slow.
Mixed Character
The above two strategies are extreme examples of a Serial Leveler. Perhaps the best strategy to consider for a new account that wishes to progress through the content quickly takes a more Mixed approach to Energy andStamina.
The basic idea of this method is to invest all of your skill points into Stamina and Energy in equal or near equal proportions. This allows you to benefit from the advantages of both strategies while minimizing the disadvantages.
Critical Success Factors
When using your Energy, use the same strategy you would implement for an the All Energy character and focus on high xp/energy ratio Jobs.
Use the higher xp/skill point ratio that Stamina provides to ensure that you are able to level quickly through the earliest levels when many Jobs provide low xp/energy ratios. As the better Jobs unlock, start investing more heavily into Energy until it reaches a more equal proportion.
Use your Stamina before using your Energy. This allows you to save your final level up action for a Jobthat provides a big XP benefit that may roll over to the next level. Boss fights like Agostino Cleto are particularly useful for consuming large amounts of Energy.
Larger pool of Energy than an All Stamina character allows you to progress through the Job tiers.
Better loot from Fights will allow your character to be better equipped than many players of a similar level.
The 2.47xp ratio on Stamina makes your Energy go farther and potentially able to be used on lower xp ratio Jobs
The large Stamina pool is still a considerable amount of time to use.
Because leveling also requires you to use Energy on Jobs, unattended play using AttackX is not possible.
Note: Operations have alternatively been called Secret Missions, Missions, and Social Missions.
You must be Level 50 to be able to start or help in Operations.
Operations are discovered by doing Jobs and will show up approximately once per day.
In order to complete an Operation you must ask for help via wall post (once every 30 minutes) or by selecting specific mafia and sending invites. You may also complete 1 slot yourself and/or buy a slot to complete it (5 for Easy Operations, 7 for Medium Operations, 8 for Hard Operations).
Operation help can be given by anyone, you do not need to be social network friends or in each others mafia. Note that the operation leader will lose the ability to remove members if they take a spot themselves.
You may remove a mafia member from a specific slot, however all progress for that slot will be lost.
On completion 4 randomly selected rewards are given to the operation owner and 3 to helpers. With a daily limit of 10 rare items from any operation. There is also a small chance of getting a Bonus Payment and sending one to your mafia.
Promote your strongest 6 members to your Top Mafia. To create a strong criminal empire, pick your mafia based on their strengths to maximize your bonus for each position.
Mastermind Pick a Mafia member who has completed a lot of jobs. Your Mastermind can help you gain as much as 50% more experience when you do jobs.
WheelmanA Mafia member of the Fearless character class with a high level can help reduce the amount of energy you use to do jobs.
ButtonmanChoose a Mafia member with the Maniac character class to gain extra Attack.
BodyguardA strong fighter who wins a lot of fights can help you build a stronger Defense.
SafecrackerLook for a Mafia member with high robbing stats to gain more cash when you fight and rob.
BagmanPick a Mafia member with the Mogul character class to gain more cash from jobs.
You can access Shootout or Mob fury through the Arena section of the game:
Once you enter the Mob Fury, you will be you will land on the Holding Cell and wait for opponents to join the battle.
Please note that at least 6 players are required to begin.
As soon as remaining players join the holding cell, the system will automatically form two teams and the battle will begin:
The Mob Fury interface is shown below and battle is similar to the Shootout Arena.
Q: Is there a minimum level requirement to play this feature? A: Yes, a player needs to be at least on Level 25 to be able to play this feature. The minimum Stamina required to play the Arena is 100.
Q: How do I earn Stars? How do they help my team in the Mob Fury?
A: Reducing the Arena Health of all the members of the opposing team to 0 simultaneously, will earn your team a Star. Each Star gained will give you additional Damage once the Mob Fury Arena has ended thus increasing your chances to win the Mob Fury.
A Team can earn up to 5 Stars in a single Mob Fury Arena and every member of the team will receive them.
Q: What is MVP and how to earn it? A: You can earn MVP by dealing the highest amount of damage in a particular Mob Fury Arena. MVP can be earned irrespective of your team winning in that particular Arena.
Q: What are the benefits of earning the MVP Badge? A: Earning MVP Badge in the Mob Fury Arena will help you earn additional experience in that particular Arena battle compared to the other team members.
Q: Are there any achievements related to the Mob Fury Arena?
A: Yes, you can earn the following Achievements related to the Mob Fury Arena:
1. Absolute Carnage achievement by earning 100 Stars in the Mob Fury Arena:
2. MVP Supremo achievement by earning 100 MVP Badges in the Mob Fury Arena:
Q: Where can I view my stats related to Mob Fury? A: Please click on the Profile Link and check the Arena Stats to look up your stats related to the Mob Fury:
Q: Will I get Crests in the Mob fury Arena? A: Yes, Crests are now available in the Mob Fury battles.
Q: Will I receive ices for fighting in the Mob Fury? A: Yes, you will receive ices for fighting in the Mob Fury. The damage and ices earned through the Mob Fury will be counted towards your Family Progression.
Q: What happens if I flag an opponent? A: You can flag opponents in the Mob Fury battle and mark them as a target for the rest of your team members. Members of a team can flag any member of the opponent team by clicking on the flag icon beside the opponent.
At a given time, only one opponent can be flagged. If any of your team members flags a different opponent, the flag with shift to the recently marked opponents.
Once you enter the Mob Fury, you will be you will land on the Holding Cell and wait for opponents to join the battle.
Q: How do I create a new Arena? A: You can create a new Arena by clicking on either “Fight now 100” or “Fight now 500”. The amount of Stamina refers to the Stamina Cover Charge for the new Arena which will be created.
Q: How do I join an Arena created by other players? A: All active Arenas will be displayed on the Arena Lobby. You can click on Join button to join other fighters in any available Arena.
An Arena requires a minimum of 4 players to begin and can hold up to a maximum of 6 players.
Following information will be displayed about the Arenas on the Arena Lobby:
a. Arena Name: Name of the Arena
b. Stamina Cover: The cover charge for a particular Arena (100 or 500 Stamina). You may choose a higher Stamina Cover Charge (500 Stamina) for a fierce battle ! (higher Arena Health/Attacks/Power Attacks).
c. Number of Players: Number of players currently waiting to start the game. An Arena requires a minimum of 4 players to begin.
d. Respect Range: This is the range of Respect of players inside an Arena in the format of Minimum –to– Maximum. You can also decide to join an Arena based on the Respect range.
e. Starts in (waiting time): Once an Arena has a minimum of 4 members, the fight will start in 20 seconds. You have an option to join an Arena just before the battle begins.
Example 1: If you click on “Fight now 100” to create a new Arena with Cover charge of 100 Stamina, all the players fighting in the Arena will be charged at least 100 Stamina including yourself.
Example 2:
If you join an Arena which indicates a cover charge of 500 Stamina, you will be charged at least 500 Stamina once the Arena begins.
Please note: Stamina Cover charge will be deducted from your Stamina even if you do not attack any opponent inside an Arena.
Q: How does the Stamina Cover Charge impact the game play? A: The Stamina Cover Charge impacts Arena game play in 3 ways:
1. Minimum Stamina Spend requirement: As described previously, there is a minimum Stamina spend requirement for each type of Arenas (100 OR 500 Stamina).
2. Arena Health: Your Arena Health will depend on the type of Arena you choose to fight. Below is the difference in Arena Health depending on the type of Arena you are fighting in:
a. Your Arena Health will range from a minimum of 400 to a maximum of 800 (depending upon your Max Health)while fighting in an Arena with Cover Charge of 100 Stamina.
b. Your Arena Health will range from a minimum of 2000 to a maximum of 4000 (depending upon your Max Health)while fighting in an Arena with Cover Charge of 500 Stamina.
3. Attacks and Power Attacks inside an Arena: The Attacks and Power Attacks will differ according to the type of Arena you are fighting in.
a. 100 Stamina Cover: Normal Attack will cost 10 Stamina and Power Attacks will cost 50 Stamina.
b. 500 Stamina Cover: Normal Attack will cost 50 Stamina and Power Attacks will cost 250 Stamina.
Q: Will my Stamina re-generate over time inside an Arena? A: Yes, your Stamina will re-generate while you are fighting inside an Arena. The amount of Stamina re-generated depends on the Stamina Cover Charge you choose to fight with:
100 Stamina Cover: 10 Stamina re-generated in every 15 seconds
500 Stamina Cover: 50 Stamina re-generated in every 15 seconds
The Holding Cell
Once you create a new Arena or join an existing one, you will land on the Holding Cell and wait for opponents to join the Arena.
Please note that at least 4 players are required to begin.
The Holding Cell will display the below information:
1. Opponents’ List: List of opponents, their Respect and Difficulty level.
2. Arena Health: Your Arena Health based on your account’s Max Health and the type of Arena which you choose to fight.
3. Option to purchase Power Ups: You cannot purchase Power Ups after a battle begins in an Arena. Ensure to equip yourself before you start a fight!
Once the Arena has at least 4 players, the Arena fight will begin in 20 seconds and a countdown will indicate the start time:
Q: Will I be charged with Stamina Cover Charge while I am waiting for opponents? A: You will not be charged while you are waiting for minimum required opponents. However, your Stamina will be locked as soon as there are at least 4 opponents in the Holding Cell and the countdown to Arena begins.
After this point, you will be unable to create a new Arena or use your Stamina until the existing Arena ends.
Q: Why is my Stamina locked when I am in an Arena? Will this affect my normal game play? A: The Arena is a time based fighting feature where you get 90 seconds to deal as much Damage as possible to the opponents.
In order to display real time results and avoid any accidental Stamina spend (due to multiple browser tabs etc.), it is required that the Stamina stats are locked while you are playing the Arena.
While you are in the Arena, you will be unable to spend your Stamina elsewhere using multiple tabs or any add ons.
Q: Can I exit to the Lobby even after an Arena has begun?
A: Yes, you can exit the Arena or the Holding Cell even after you have required opponents or if the Arena begins. However, your Stamina will be locked until the Arena ends (90 Seconds).
During this time, you will see an option to Rejoin the Arena which you exited and you will be unable to spend Stamina elsewhere in the game.
Inside the Arena
You will be able to view the following inside the Arena:
1. Your Opponents: Click on your opponents to inflict Damage on them and raise your Score. The “Power Attack” button can be used to deal 5x Damage on your opponents.
2. Arena Health Indicators: You will be able to view yours and your opponents’ Arena Health in real time. Observe that the opponents’ Arena Health reduces in real time as you attack them and the same happens to your Arena Health when opponents attack you.
3. Your Respect: The Respect shown on the main Arena screen is the Respect at the beginning of the game. Your Respect will be re-calculated on the basis of your final position in the Arena which will be displayed in the Results page of the Arena.
4. Power Up buttons and count of remaining Power Ups: Various Power Up buttons and their count will be displayed on the main Arena screen.
5. Stamina Indicator and Stamina Refill Power Up button: Your Stamina status will be displayed along with a Stamina Refill Power Up button (Please note that Stamina Refill Power Up is different from the already available Stamina Refills)
6. Scores: Your Score as well as opponents’ Scores will be displayed in real time.
Q: How is the Score calculated? A: Your Score depends on the total Damage dealt by you to your opponents. You can cause more Damage to your opponents by using Power Ups tactically and by increasing your Personal as well as Mafia Strength.
Your rank at the end of an Arena session will depend on your total Score. You get bonus Score if you are able to reduce your opponents’ health to Zero.
Q: Can I still attack an opponent if their Arena Health reaches Zero?A: When an opponent’s Arena Health reaches Zero, a cross mark will be shown over their image and you will be unable to attack them unless they use a Health Refill or are re-spawned again.
Q: Can I use my existing Stamina Refills in the Arena? A: No, Stamina Refills in the Arena are different from the regular Stamina Refills hence you will be unable to use them in the Arena. Arena Stamina Refills are a type of Power Up and can be purchased through Reward Points.
Q: Do I get free Stamina while fighting in Arena? A: Yes, you will get free Stamina every 15 seconds depending upon the Type of Arena you have joined.
100 Stamina Cover: 10 Stamina in every 15 seconds
500 Stamina Cover: 50 Stamina in every 15 seconds
Q: Would other player be able to attack me or reduce my Arena health even if I haven’t joined an Arena? A: No, players will be unable to attack you unless an Arena battle is started. The Arena is a synchronous multiplayer game and your Arena stats will not be impacted unless you join one.
Q: What if I lose all my Arena Health? Will I re-spawn automatically? A: Yes, if your Health reaches Zero, you will be re-spawned automatically in the next 10 seconds. Alternatively, you can use the Arena Health Refill Power Up to re-spawn immediately.
You will see the below message if you run out of Health Refills and lose all your Arena Health:
Q: Can I my use existing Health Refills in the Arena? A: No, Arena Heath Refills in the Arena are different from the regular Health Refills hence you will be unable to use them in the Arena.
Arena Health Refills are a type of Power Up and can be built using Power Cards or can be purchased using Reward Points.